30 Setbacks, One Breakthrough: My Apprenticeship Story

Inspiration By Iman Bhatti Published on November 20, 2024

When it came time to pick post-A-Level options, choosing an apprenticeship felt like finally finding the missing puzzle piece to my career journey—a mix of excitement and clarity wrapped in a big, satisfying "aha!" moment. University had always been in the cards, but it wasn’t the right fit after I got a peek into the university life I’d imagined by attending a shadowing program at Cambridge. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t anything like I expected. I found purely academic environments and endless textbook learning unfulfilling. That realization pushed me to explore something more hands-on.

The Challenge Begins: Applying for Apprenticeships

The decision to pursue an apprenticeship was the easy part—actually getting one, not so much. Applying was a lonely and nerve-wracking process. Unlike others heading to university, I had no one to turn to for advice or mentorship. I faced nearly 30 rejections, each one reminding me of how little support and guidance there was in the apprenticeship world. Between the pressure of A-Level exams and the lack of resources from my school careers advisor, I had to learn the ropes largely on my own. It didn’t help that most people’s “advice” on apprenticeships was either stereotypical or discouraging.

The truth is, there’s hardly any information out there to debunk these stereotypes or offer clear advice on how to actually land an apprenticeship. But I kept going—each “no” motivated me to brush up on my skills to prove that I was more than a stereotype.

The biggest myth? That corporate apprenticeships were all about making coffee or running errands. Spoiler alert: I haven’t made a single cup.

Why Resilience is Everything

Resilience became my biggest asset. Every "no" was a stepping stone rather than a stop sign. Each rejection taught me something—whether it was tightening up my CV, rehearsing my interview answers, or learning how to better showcase my skills and strengths. Resilience taught me to look beyond the setbacks and to keep my focus on the bigger picture.

In a process filled with rejection, it’s easy to let discouragement take over. This cycle wasn’t always easy, but it was essential. Over time, I realized that rejection is often part of any meaningful journey. Every attempt counts, even if you don’t get the “yes” you want right away.

Finally, a Breakthrough

After what felt like ENDLESS applications, I finally received an offer. Not just any offer, but an apprenticeship with Microsoft, one of the world’s largest tech firms! Joining Microsoft at 18 with imposter syndrome and self-doubt, I’ve gone on to be a part of doing amazing things within the apprenticeship community. Fast forward 3 years, and I’m now on my second apprenticeship, and I recently received the Judge’s Choice Award at the Multicultural Apprenticeship Awards (still can’t believe that!). I've also found myself stepping into some pretty cool roles! I’m now Deputy Communications Lead for the Social Mobility Network at Microsoft, where I’ve been busy rebranding our network, crafting strategies, and championing early-career talent. Outside of Microsoft, I’m also the Marketing Lead for ACE Insights - an apprentice-powered initiative that’s all about smashing barriers to apprenticeships and redefining apprenticeships.

My Advice to Aspiring Apprentices & Young Professionals


If I could offer any advice, it would be to keep going, no matter how many rejections you face. Whether it’s 5, 15, or 30 rejections, don’t let the “no’s” define you or derail you. Every rejection is a lesson. Stick with it—you’ll be surprised at where resilience can take you.

Make the Most of your Apprenticeship

Remember, you’re only an apprentice for a set time, so soak up every experience and challenge. Embrace new tasks, say “yes” to opportunities, and enjoy the journey! It’s easy to get caught up in imposter syndrome, but try not to let those feelings hold you back (trust me, it’s something I still work on). You’re there for a reason—keep that in mind.

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

In today’s world, apprenticeships get a lot of hype, but it’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is different. “Why does their apprenticeship look so fun?” “How come they’ve figured everything out already?” STOP! Your journey is 100% yours—no one else’s. Focus on YOUR growth and YOUR unique path—embrace it!

Celebrate the Wins—Big and Small

Don’t wait for a major milestone to treat yourself! Whether you nailed a challenging project or survived a hectic week, celebrate it! Small wins add up and remind you just how much you’ve accomplished, keeping you motivated.

Ask Questions—Lots of Them

There’s no such thing as a dumb question! Whether it’s about your task, the company, or career advice, ask away! People love sharing what they know, and you’ll look a lot more proactive than the person pretending to have all the answers. And speaking of growth, feedback is your best friend. It might sting a little sometimes, but think of it as your personal roadmap to growth—it’s always meant to help you improve. The more you ask, listen, and adapt, the quicker you’ll level up and become even better at what you do!

My message to you

I hope my journey serves as a reminder that the path to your goals isn’t always a straight line—and that’s perfectly fine. If you’ve ever felt lost or doubted yourself, trust me, I’ve been there too. 30 rejections later (I’m practically a rejection expert now), I’m proof that perseverance pays off. Keep going, keep growing, and remember—you’ve got this. And hey, celebrate those small wins along the way. They add up more than you think! 😊


Iman Bhatti

Business Manager for Corporate External & Legal Affairs

Marketing Lead for ACE Insights

Deputy Communications Lead for Microsoft UK Social Mobility Network

Level 6 Chartered Management Degree Apprentice

You can find out more and connect with Iman on LinkedIn.