Hello, my name is Arber Ismaili and I am currently 20 years old in the last year of my BTEC studies, and I want to tell you guys the story of how I was a shy individual to now a confident and articulate individual who has managed to secure a degree apprenticeship offer from HSBC.
Growing up, I was always quite shy most of my life and as being autistic it was much harder to try and learn how to make friends and to try and understand the ways of the world, which I think held me back quite a lot. After I finished school. I was honestly left quite confused and lost into what I should do as I did try to apply for another course which was beauty therapy but I didn't get accepted due to me not looking them in the eyes. So I ended up going a whole year without anything to do, after that I decided to do a BTEC level 2 in IT first and then eventually after a work experience I decided to start up a LinkedIn where I can grow my confidence and to try and pursue the apprenticeship path.
Eventually, over time. I managed to connect with lots of people and eventually found new opportunities where I started to network with others and I started to ask for advice as well for applications and I started to attend more company and work experience events as well where I can meet industry professionals and really start to grow as a person. At first it was hard because I was quite shy but I did start to push myself out of my comfort zone and wanted to make that change for myself.
Eventually I started to comment and post sometimes which really helped me to grow my confidence event further and to spread awareness about autism and other topics as well which helped me to express myself into how I wanted to express myself.
Eventually I came across the HSBC work experience placement and I really ended up enjoying it and in October I applied for the HSBC global private banking degree apprenticeship and I managed to secure an offer within them for next year which has honestly been the biggest achievement for me this year and I am looking forward to my journey with them as well.
Some advice I can offer to other aspiring apprentices are to make sure to read the job description and make sure to relate your skills to what they are asking for.
Make sure to also have an interest in the company as well and to read about their values and more about the role that you are applying for as well, and to just be yourself as that is what they want to see more and to see if you will be a good fit for the company culture and showcase that you are willing to grow and to learn as well and have that growth and resilient mindset as well and show how you overcame challenges as well.
Thank you so much for reading you guys are the best.
Arber Ismaili
Upcoming Degree Apprentice with HSBC
You can find out more and connect with Arber on LinkedIn.