Established in 1565, Highgate is now one of the UK’s leading co-educational independent schools, with around 1,700 pupils aged 3-18.
Academic standards at Highgate remain high, as our most recent exam results demonstrate. In 2023 over 50% of all our GCSE entries were graded 9, and 78.9% were 9 or 8. Within our Sixth Form, in 2023, 46.5% of all our exam entries were awarded an A* at A level (or Pre-U equivalent) and 82.8% were A* or A. In 2023, 30 pupils matriculated at either Cambridge or Oxford colleges, whilst others took up places at prestigious Art, Architecture and Medical schools. Every year, the vast majority of our leavers enter Russell Group universities or other elite Higher Education establishments, including in the US and Canada.
Alongside their studies, Highgate pupils are offered a wide range of co-curricular activities which enhance both their childhood experience and their future aspirations. We are also exceptionally fortunate when it comes to sport with extensive facilities, excellent staff and a wide range of activities available.
At Highgate, we encourage social responsibility through our charity work, both locally and further afield. For example, we are the principal education sponsor for the London Academy of Excellence Tottenham and support Great Lakes High School in Uganda.
Our School is situated in one of the most attractive and popular areas of North London, a short distance from central London and adjacent to Hampstead Heath. We endeavour to be a sustainable school and are well served by good public transport links.
Our Head, Mr Adam Pettitt, leads our Senior School and is also responsible for the overall direction of our Pre-Preparatory and Junior Schools.